Saturday, September 15, 2018

Prayers for Today: 9/16/2018

Loving God,

You speak to us and you say: Do not worry. You say that we are yours. You offer us your lightness in exchange for our burdens.  You offer rest in exchange for our tiredness and loneliness.

You promise that in both the sadness and the joys, no matter the results of our human choices, you will be there, bringing forgiveness and restoration. 

So, God, we ask you to guide our response to this great love.  Guide our prayers, guide our plans, and guide our lives so that through us, others may experience your abundant life.

We offer to you those who are in need of your restoration and healing:  those who are unaware of your love, those who are suffering in spirit, mind, or body. God we ask that you would bring comfort, relief from anxiety, relief from pain, and a certain knowledge of your presence.

God you ask us not to worry yet we acknowledge that there are storms in our lives and in our world.  We pray today for the people in the Carolinas and Southeast of our country as they face hurricane Florence, and for the people of the Philippines, China Coast, and others in Asia as they face Typhoon Manghut.  Please give your aid to rescue and emergency workers.  Protect those who could not evacuate, bring your comfort to grieving families, and God we ask that you would bring your hope into all the dark places caused by these storms.

God we thank you that even in the darkness, we can place our worries about our world in your hands and then pick up the work of being your agents of rebuilding and restoration without worry hindering us. Help us as we do this through Christ Lutheran Church and our ministries and offerings, through prayer and intercession, and through our work, our advocacy, and our relationships. 

Lord, these are only a few of our prayers. There are words that haven’t been spoken. Prayers unfinished that we can rely on the Holy Spirit to complete.

By your grace, that we may have life and have it abundantly, we pray these and all things in the name of Jesus Christ.    


Monday, September 3, 2018

Prayers for Labor Day 2018

On this Labor Day weekend, we honor the gift that is meaningful work and we stand in solidarity with those for whom work brings unique and difficult challenges.

God who has given us energy, strength, talents and gifts, we bring to you today the work of our hands, hearts, and minds and ask your blessing upon our work.

For those who work in physical labor, we give you thanks.  We ask for strength and endurance, for adequate rest, and for quality work that brings satisfaction. 

For those whose work is learning, we give you thanks.  We ask for retention, connections made, and ideas that will carry them into their future lives.

For those whose work actively puts their lives in danger, emergency aid, firefighters, law enforcement, prison work, military, and other sacrificial fields -- we give you thanks.  We pray for their safety and for continued courage in the face of danger.

For those who work to serve others, in retail, restaurant, housekeeping, landscape, and other fields, we give you thanks. We ask for moments of gratitude, when the importance of what they have done for the life of another is seen and acknowledged.

For those who work in business, sales, and commerce, we give you thanks.  We ask for a sense of fairness, and satisfaction in work that brings benefit others. 

For those whose work is in social justice and advocacy, we give you thanks.  We ask for protection as these individuals seek to accompany the marginalized and desperate.

For those who work in agriculture, we give you thanks.  We ask for favorable environmental conditions and teamwork between all people providing food for so many.

For those who work in law, government, utilities, and civil service, we give you thanks.  We ask for grateful awareness of our infrastructure and those who create and care for it.

For those who work in the sciences, we give you thanks.  We ask that you would use their ideas to benefit the world through new discoveries and new understandings.

For those who care for others; mothers, fathers, doctors, nurses, and medical technicians, caretakers of the elderly, child care providers, and caretakers of family and households, we give you thanks.  We ask for clear thoughts and patience, and loving connections between caregivers and those receiving care.
For those who work in ministry, chaplaincy, counseling, or whose work is intercession and prayer for others, we give you thanks.  We ask that they would hear your voice and bring your love and grace into the lives of others.   
For those whose work is creative; in arts, writing, journalism and ideas, we give you thanks.  We ask that their work would bring beauty, truth, and justice to the world. 

For those whose work is in our schools and any education, we give you thanks.  From preschool to advanced education, we ask for safety, eager students, and an acknowledgement of the gift that they bring.
God, we recognize that not all work has positive meaning or visible honor.  We give you thanks for your beloved children in these circumstances and ask your mercy.

For individuals who are in challenging work environments, we give you thanks and ask that you would give them endurance and honor their sacrifice.

For those who desire work and are seeking jobs, we give you thanks.  We ask that you would lead them to opportunities and remind them that their value is still simply in being your beloved child. 

For individuals who are forced into work of desperation or injustice, or work that preys upon others, we give you thanks and ask your mercy and grace. 

For individuals who are trapped in work that is abusive or damaging, we give you thanks and ask your mercy.  We ask for justice and that you would send your people into these situations to bring your love and help. 

Gracious God, as you gave yourself to us in your son Jesus Christ, we are filled with gratitude for the opportunities to give ourselves to others through our work.  Remind us daily that we are yours, and that though our work has meaning and can bring us and others benefit and joy, our identity is found in you.

These and all things we ask in the name of our savior Jesus Christ,  AMEN