Sunday, June 10, 2018

Prayers for today... Who God Loves

I should be at Christ Lutheran Visalia, praying with my church family... Instead I am at Dallas-Fort Worth airport, after a day of delays and missed flights and missed alternative flights!  
But there are few things I love more than leading prayers, so I still want to share my prayer thoughts for the morning -- and add my additional "viens, viens, oui, oui!"   

The "In-between space" -- off the Skylink train.  Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.  I think prayer is an in-between space.  

Our Lord and God, beyond our understanding, you are the God of the past, the present, the future, and the eternal now.  Yet you are pierced by love for your children, and through your Son remind us that it gives you pleasure to hear  us.  And so God we come to you boldly, with hope against hope, with faith in what we cannot see, saying “yes, come.”
God you love those who do not know you, those who have rejected you, and those who long for you but cannot name that longing.  In this prayer we ask that you would reveal yourself to those we lift to you, praying that they would recognize your great love and grace.

God you love those who are sick, those who are in pain. You love those who are broken, hurting; those who are anxious, depressed, suicidal; those who are grieving; those who are rebuilding their lives.   We ask in this prayer that you would make your presence and comfort known to all those struggling in body, mind and soul.  

God you love those who are rejected, abused, and abandoned by the world. You tell us that to receive your kingdom we must receive those who are seen as nothings. We ask in this prayer that we would have the courage to protect, advocate, and receive in hospitality those who are seen as unimportant and forgettable in the world.  We ask that we can provide your saving love to the refugee, the poor, the sick, the marginalized, the child, the prisoner, the homeless, the hungry.  We desire to love and serve you as we love and serve the least among us. 

God you love those who would speak your love, grace, and truth to the world.
We ask in this prayer that you would enliven and wake your church, in all the world and in the ELCA.  We ask for your strength and passion in our leaders, our pastors, our seminaries, our membership, our youth, our visitors, and that you would give this passion for you to everyone who comes in contact with Christ Lutheran Church through any one of us.  Let us receive your kingdom as we receive others.   

We ask these and all things in the name of our Eternal and Present Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen

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